Validity period of the Taxpayer Identification Number (INN)

Validity period Previously, this information was necessary so that the employer could transfer information to the Feral Tax Service for you. Now the document has been remov from the list of those requir for employment according to the Labor. Code of the Russian Feration, and the employer does not have the right to demand. It without fail (the exception is civil servants, they must provide the TIN).

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs also use the identifier for tax and accounting purposes. When concluding transactions with suppliers, and to verify counterparties .

The INN is issu to a person

Once and is valid indefinitely while he is alive. After the death of a person, his INN is consider invalid. The number does not change even with a change in passport data or with the receipt of new documents.

Validity period In practice, an individual may occasionally have lebanon telegram data a second number as a result of an error – this us to happen, for example. When a citizen mov from one region to another, when regional Feral. Tax Service offices still work in autonomous databases and transferr information to the general database with a delay.

A duplicate code causes problems with paying taxes – for example, charges will come to one TIN, and the payer will transfer funds to the second, and as a result, the tax office will not see the money. When the how do companies use digital marketing to get ahead? problem is discover, all “extra” numbers are recogniz as invalid, and the individual is left with only one TIN. Also, one TIN is rarely found in two different people as a result of an error by the Feral Tax Service – in this case, you ne to contact the tax office and find out how to resolve the situation.

In the case of a legal entity, the validity period is similar – while the company is consider active. Its number becomes invalid in a number of cases:

  • When liquidating a legal entity.
  • When one company merges with another, the merging singapore phone list company will lose its TIN, but the merging company will retain its own.
  • During the merger of legal entities, all merging companies will lose their identifiers, and the newly form legal entity will receive a new code.
  • When one company is separat from another, the head office’s TIN will not change, but the branch will receive its own identifier.

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