The crisis moment leads us to pay more attention to those who are willing to adapt, reinvent


themselves, and make the difference, going beyond commercial benefits.

Consumers are aware of the positive impact that your brand will generate.

The relevance of the content

According to Think with Google, searches related to the term “at home” have increased by 123% since March.

The article also explains the quarantine journey, which presents three growth fronts:

  • the search for a balance between mental health and information about the current scenario;
  • ideas for adapting the new routine indonesia phone number data at home;
  • understanding the impacts of the crisis on society.

Therefore, seek to understand how your authority and your market expertise can provide relevant information and make the customer’s life easier at this moment.

This can be done through educational content 7 ways to use thank you pages to increase conversions related to concepts, explanations of crisis moment  different impacts, and other suggestions suitable in the client’s routine.

Think, for example:

  • What are the tips and ideas you can offer to help the user adapt to new routines?
  • How can you answer questions?
  • How about sharing what you have been doing to contribute during the current crisis?

Here are some examples that may help understand the creation of relevant content:

  • in the civil construction and architecture segment: offer content on decoration, organization, and cleaning of spaces, room renovations, and so on;
  • in the financial and loans segment: help the reader to analyze and adapt their budget, talk about new income opportunities, and china numbers approach other topics related to financial education;
  • in the tourism segment: give ideas of activities, movies, tips, recipes, among others.

What the customer really wants

Try to evaluate your main communication crisis moment  channels with the user and talk to the commercial team to understand the needs of the public.

Ask, through social networks and surveys, the great doubts and pains of the public and try to find out if your content is being useful. Thus, you will be able to understand if the created material is really relevant, which will allow you to adapt the strategy over time.

Where is your audience

Social distancing has forced communication almost exclusively through digital channels.

According to an analysis by the New York Times, content consumption increased by 27% on Facebook 15.3% on YouTube during the quarantine.

Therefore, it is important to review your marketing strategy and social networks and adapt them to allow content consumption in several channels.

Try to stay close to the consumer exactly crisis moment  where they are, not only offering content but also looking for ways to engage and understand them.

Want to know more about the role of Content Marketing in times of crisis? Then take the opportunity to check out the value of content marketing in uncertain times.

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