What is a brand strategy and how can it help you win the love of your client?

The strongest positions in the market today are held by those who invested not only in advertising, but also built serious, trusting relationships with their customers, and ideally, tried to win their love. Competitors will never be able to beat common values, trust, and an emotional connection with a brand with a bright banner in the YAN.

That is why we at ” Tochno. ” pay special attention to brand strategy when promoting a company. What it is and how to create it – in this article.

More than just a name

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A brand is an idea that a buyer remembers, the symbolic capital of a company . He easily reads this idea and symbols from any media – packaging, slogans, media advertising, employee uniforms, etc. If the idea is close, the buyer becomes loyal to the brand, and the brand finds its buyer.

But coming up with an idea is not enough: you also need to learn how to properly communicate it and introduce it to the masses . These are the tasks of brand strategy .

Answers to these questions are the basis for promoting the company.

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If earlier the main emphasis was placed on visual communication with the buyer, today this is not enough. Therefore, the approach of the company “Tochno” includes the comprehensive creation of a communication brand strategy. It is based on storytelling through the company’s information resources (social networks, website, blog, etc.), PR tools, advertising and, of course, visuals. It is important to develop a brand strategy for several years ahead and adjust it as needed in the process .

How Brand Strategy Helps Businesses Make Money

Brand strategy, unlike situational tools, is an investment in the future of your business. And the goal of investments is to make a profit.

So, how does a brand strategy help you make money?

Opportunity to stand out
A well-thought-out brand attracts how to improve the security of your e-commerce website the attention of the target audience to the product. For example, Polaroid today is focused on fans of authentic shooting and photography, so most “DSLRs” are not competitors. The choice in your favor = increased sales .

Increasing customer loyalty

People choose companies whose values ​​are close to them. Brand strategy allows you to show your company’s values ​​in such a way that the loyal audience itself responds to this call. For example, by launching the Training Club workout app, Nike shows that an active lifestyle is the company’s core value and engages in an open conversation with the audience through the app. Loyal customers = regular customers = increased sales .

Added value

A strong brand justifies the high cost of goods. People are willing to pay a high price for a product that meets their expectations. For example, brands like Hermès, Bottega Veneta or Alexander McQueen will find their fans in any country. Increase in average check = increase in profit .

Business expansion

It is obvious that it is easier to expand au emai list spheres of influence with a recognizable brand. At the very least, it will simplify the sale of franchises – a loyal customer base reduces risks and increases the chances of success. Thus, a competent brand strategy and its timely adaptation allowed Mastercard to open 22,000 financial institutions in 210 countries. Business expansion = increased profits .

Mix and Versatility: Types of Brand Strategies

Companies rarely use one type of strategy to promote a brand. As practice shows, mixing them is much more effective. In addition, trends rule the market, which means that different types of strategies will dominate in different periods of a company’s development.

Product branding

Often found in FMCG (fast moving consumer goods), where it is important to form an audience that will constantly consume this particular product. For example, Starbucks and its slogan “More than coffee” shows that it sells not only excellent coffee, but also service.


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