What do the numbers in the INN mean?

What do the numbers In rare cases, two or more taxpayers are register under one TIN – this happens to organizations if the inspector made a mistake during registration. Then one of the legal entities is remov from the register and re-register, but with a unique number.

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The TIN for an individual consists of 12 digits, and for an organization – 10 digits. They are select bas on the algorithm develop and fix in the order.

What do the numbers For an individual, the TIN includes:

  • The first two digits are the code of the subject of the Russian Feration. For example, in Omsk Oblast, the INN starts with 55, and in Grozny, with 20. You can see the codes in the appendix to the order of the Feral Tax Service dat 29.10.2014 No. ММВ-7-3/558@.
  • The third and fourth digits are the number of the malaysia telegram data tax office that issu the TIN to the person. Together, these two items make up the four-digit tax authority code.
  • The next six digits are the taxpayer’s serial number.
  • The last two digits are a control number to check the authenticity of the TIN. The Feral Tax Service has a formula that allows you to check the authenticity of the code using it.

For legal entities, the TIN structure is different:

Instead of two control digits, only one is us, and instead of reports in google search console six digits for the serial number, only five.

The tax office number depends on the place of registration. For individuals, this is usually the place of residence or stay in the country. If a person does not live in Russia, the place of registration of his real singapore phone list estate or transport, if any, is us to issue the TIN. But if this is not the case, then the number can be obtain at any tax office. Legal entities receive a TIN at the place of their location. The exception is that all foreign companies that have register to conduct business in Russia always have a TIN that begins with the numbers 9909.

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