Web Lab Experts on Retargeting

Tell me, have you noticed banners chasing you across all websites? If so, congratulations – you have fallen under the sights of retargeting! This is a technology that allows you to remember everyone who has been on the site, and then unobtrusively remind them of itself by showing your ads on partner sites. Many also call it remarketing, since Google decided to give this name to its service that provides retargeting services. So what is the correct name for this tool? And how to use it effectively? And what dangers await beginners in this field? In order to understand all this, we talked to leading experts in the field of Internet marketing, and found out how to use this tool for the benefit of business.

Artem Nedobor (Digital Analyst Brainberry)

As an internet marketing specialist, I have only worked with one retargeting tool during my practice – remarketing in Google AdWords. This is probably the easiest to set up and the highest in terms of the attracted audience tool for me. Although, in no case should you forget about retargeting, which Yandex launched not so long ago.

Remarketing technology itself is, of course, a powerful tool for returning your target audience to your site and re-inviting them to perform a target action on it.

The main idea behind this tool is that overseas chinese database users don’t always manage to convert the first time they interact with your site. This is where remarketing comes into play. Thanks to it, we can show advertising messages to users who have been on your site but haven’t done anything for some reason.

Of course, it makes sense to use remarketing technology on sites of all topics and business areas, since you simply continue to work with your target audience. But I like to use remarketing for e-commerce sites the most. Here, there are many more opportunities for audience segmentation:

Those who visited the site and did not convert

  • those who visited the site and made a conversion  
  • those who added the product to the cart but did not buy  
  • and many more options

We will show each audience a separate message email api making it ideal for marketers with the opportunity to buy the product they are interested in at a discount, or offer related products to those who have made a purchase.

Those who visited certain pages of the site

Also, AdWords has the ability to show ads to a similar audience, that is, AdWords analyzes the behavioral email leads database factor of those users who have converted on our site and selects users with the same behavioral factor. Thus, we target ads to those who have never been to our site, but are most likely interested in its products.

Let me remind you that Google is constantly making our lives easier by improving its products. Previously, in order to collect remarketing audiences, you had to create and add various codes to the pages of your site, and then target the ads. Now, it is enough to add just one code to all pages, which is easily generated in the AdWords account. We already do all the other advertising settings in the advertising account. How is this useful.


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