Knowing the ways to earn money from content production is one of the main stages of progress in this profession.
If you don’t have enough and proper knowledge of how to make profit and earn money from your content production, you may get a small amount of income from your content production that is not enough at all, or you may not be able to earn any income at all and remain without profit.
By entering a wrong way
For example, there are many friends who have learned to produce content well, but they have wasted their time and method to earn money.
Even if your content is excellent and of high quality and has no flaws, the first step in knowing ways to earn money is to determine your content production style, so it is better to read the content production article! In general, we can produce and share or sell our content in three platforms: audio, video and text.
As well as social networks with a high number of users that are receptive to your content, such as Instagram, which has resulted in high incomes for businesses and individuals.
Social networks such as Telegram, Instagram, etc. have many contacts all over the world, and daily users even in Iran spend most of their hours in them, and this is a good reason for using them to earn money and share their content. let’s use You can generally earn money from your content production in two ways.
Content sharing and audience attraction
In the first method, you should try to get many contacts for your content by sharing your content for free, and it is better to read the article on the best content creation software.
For example, by creating a channel on the Telegram platform, you can put your content in the channel to increase the number of members of your channel.
Or you should try to increase the number of followers and the number of viewers of your videos on the platform of Instagram by sharing your content so that you can earn money with Instagram.
After creating content and sharing it, you need to advertise your user accounts that you have created in social networks on suitable platforms.
After a short period of time, by increasing the audience of your content, you will see that people will offer you to advertise products, goods, stores, etc.
By entering a wrong way
You can earn money easily, especially database shop with Instagram, by placing other people’s ads on your website or social media account.
In the second method, as an advertiser of your content, you can share a part of your content as a preview so that it can be seen by others.
In fact, you can do this on social networks or on different sites, for example, we have explained one of them below.
You can easily sell your educational content on the Fransch website and earn money. You don’t need to do anything special for this, and you just need to download and read the guide file for placing your training in France, of course, you can only sell video content on this site.
Today there are many sites
In this way, you will no longer make your content available to the public for free. As mentioned, you are only sharing a short part as a preview.
See it and buy your produced content if they are satisfied The two methods explained earlier can be considered the most general methods of earning money from content production.
But as you become professional in content production after some time, you can work as an employee on the site and content production companies such as Maktabkhane, Faraders, Son Learn, etc.
In the following, we will examine the topic of earning income from content production in different styles.
Earn money from video content production
There are many platforms on the internet and social networks to earn money from video content production, and using these platforms is also a simple task, and you can earn money without special knowledge and by having a specially produced content.
In content marketing, perhaps the best platform for you to earn money by sharing it is the Instagram social network. Before the Telegram messenger filter, Instagram was the second most used among Iranian users, but after the Telegram filter, its popularity has multiplied. and people who had never gone to it and had not used it installed it for the first time and started using it.
The advantage of this messenger is that all sections of the society in Iran are familiar with this application and it has many active users in all parts of the country, that is, in different cities.
Content promotion
You can upload your video content on this platform and earn money from it in the two ways explained earlier.
In order to generate income from content production, you should know that Instagram will not pay separately for your content production, unlike sites like YouTube.
Another advantage is that the application has a very small limit for uploading video files.
The only restrictions that this application seriously examines are violence and immoral content.
You can easily upload your video and by increasing the number of followers and viewers of your videos, you can earn money by placing ads on your Instagram page and selling your content.
Another platform where you can upload your video files to create content is the famous and global YouTube site.
Maybe it’s better to advise you in the first explanation, it’s better not to go to the YouTube site to create content.
Because it is very difficult to earn money on this site. This site is only suitable for those who live abroad.
Of course, there are people who have been able to earn good income on YouTube by producing content in Iran, but their number is very small.
In order to make money from video buy belgium whatsapp number database production on YouTube, you must know that the YouTube site has set many restrictions for Iranians, that spending time on earning from this site is just a waste of time, however, Iranian users have been able to overcome the restrictions of YouTube. bypass and start using and earning money from it, but they are still not very satisfied with this work and it is extremely difficult for them to transfer income.
Instead of using the YouTube site to earn money, you can become a member of the Eparat site and start creating content and earn money from it without any restrictions such as paying and uploading videos.
Aparat site, like YouTube, pays a fee for content production to people who have reached a certain number of followers. There are other sites that you can use in the style of video content production.
But to earn money from video production, it is better to invest in sites that are famous and reliable.
It is another site that you can earn money from and the important difference with Aparat is that you can earn money from the very beginning and it doesn’t matter how many likes and followers you have, it means that you can earn money in the first seconds without needing A special job.
This site has been able to get
The satisfaction of users and have uae cell number a regular and accurate payment. Earning from this site is very simple and it doesn’t matter if your content is a copy or if you made it yourself, of course exclusive content earns more.
The interesting point of this site is that its income rate is similar to Aparat and in some cases even higher than Aparat.
When you register and start working
You are at the level of a site, and the site has different levels to earn money that you can increase your income day by day.
An important feature that this service has and other services do not have is that you can put a content link from YouTube, Instagram, Aparat or any other site in the upload section through the link to start uploading.
This means that there is no need to consume a large amount of your internet and you can upload large videos without using much of the internet.
Earn money from content creation
The methods of making money from text content production are slightly different from other content production styles.
As the institute wrote, you can present your content to others in this style in two ways and earn money from it. In the first case, as a book author, you can start producing content that you can earn by selling your book. You can go well with SEO consulting.
The second case is that you start producing content as the author of a site or as an article writer of the site.