Programmatic advertising: What is it and what are its advantages?

I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve spent some time browsing the internet looking for the best option to buy a new mobile phone for example and suddenly after stopping searching you visit another website or application and the advertising insert in it is relat to the mobile phones you search for right?

Well for those who still do not know how this type of advertising works this is what is known in communication jargon as programmatic advertising.

For many this is one of the most effective types of online advertising as it offers ad campaign images editing advertising content to a specific target audience that is looking for a particular product or service so it is offer directly to those people who are known in advance to be interest in it thus achieving a higher ratio of positive responses.

But do you know how programmatic advertising works? We’ll tell you all about it below

e-commerce specific services


How does programmatic advertising work?
The key to this type of advertising is artificial intelligence which is capable Revisión de Goteo: esta ferramenta de marketing por correo electrónico … of analysing through a series of algorithms the behaviour of users on the Internet. In this way a series of data is collect bas on searches clicks time spent using a particular platform and similar in order to analyse a user’s profile and thus offer them advertising content that is in line with their tastes and nes.

Along these lines it can be highlight that there are three main types of programmatic advertising:

Real-time bidding: Also known as real-time bidding this is an auction that is constantly changing and thus determines the price of various online advertising formats. It is a highly profitable method for contracting this type of advertising.

Private marketplace: Also known as private ge lists marketplace or PMP. It is quite similar to real-time bidding but it is a private option since it is only accessible to a certain group of advertisers who access it by invitation.

Direct programmatic advertising : This is the type of programmatic advertising that a publisher offers through the sale of a clos number of formats at a fix cost per thousand.

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