Instagram and Pinterest are not interesting

At The Next Web, everything revolves around the future of the internet and start-ups. The audience and speakers are predominantly positive and see opportunities everywhere. The web also has a freaky side: the moment when new technology becomes really israel telegram data  unpleasant. Robert Scoble showed in his presentation which groundbreaking apps of today bring that freaky future very close.

That a technology optimist like

Scoble is warning us of this is telling. Read what he has to say and shudder at the freaky future that has already begun.

Robert Scoble is world famous as an expert on new technology, start-ups and apps and of course his blog Scobleizer . He will be on The Next Web to talk about ‘the seven hottest companies in tech’, but as soon as he enters the stage he tells us that this is not interesting at all. “We can talk about Pinterest , Instagram or SocialCam (with four million users in one weekend), Angelist (which changes how companies overcoming common challenges in data exchange are funded), or Kickstarter , but these are not the most interesting developments at the moment”, says Scoble.

It’s all about innovation

Innovation is creating a penny that doubles. Building a company is keeping   . Instagram and  school email list  that penny doubling.” Scoble therefore doesn’t find it interesting to talk about the companies that have already doubled in value many times. It’s much more interesting to look at the start-ups that have the potential to double in the near future.

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