How to obtain To avoid having to come to the tax authority in person, you can obtain the certificate electronically, it is free.
Apply for an electronic duplicate via State Services:
1. Register on the State Services website or log in to your personal account if you already have one.
2. Find the service “Obtaining a Taxpayer Identification Number” .
3. Select to receive the certificate in electronic form.
4. Read the terms of service. Please note: the application must be sign with an enhanc unqualifi electronic signature. Via the Gosklyuch application, the link to which is already in the service description.
5. Next, you just ne to go to the application, specify the requir philippines telegram data data (if they have not. Yet been upload to the State Services account) and send it for review to the Feral Tax Service. The electronic certificate will be sent to your personal account after processing. Which takes 20 working days.
Why do you ne a business plan and how to write it correctly
How to restore a certificate of registration of an organization
How to obtain A TIN certificate on paper is issu automatically to legal entities upon registration with the tax authority. But it can be lost, destroy or damag. The certificate also nes to be chang if the data specifi study the brand and its objectives in it has chang (for example, the name of the company). In such cases, contacting the tax office where the organization is register will help:
- Call or write to the Feral Tax Service office and find out what form. The application should be written in and what documents to attach.
- Fill out the application and accompany it with the specifi documents.
- Submit the package of documents to the tax service: in person singapore phone list at the branch, by register mail, or with a representative with a notariz power of attorney.
After 5 working days, the Feral Tax Service will prepare a duplicate. It can be pick up in person, through the same representative, or receiv by register mail.