Analyze channels in LiveDune

An effective strategy will help you move in the right direction. Use Telegram channel analytics services to understand what content works best for your audience. LiveDune provides statistics not only for your channel, but also for your competitors’ accounts. How the service can be useful:

  • Select the best content ideas. Look at the top posts of competitors by reactions, reposts, ER, ERR and ERV. Adapt the most effective ideas to your channel and use them in promotion.
  • Best time to post. The service will automatically select the best time to post based on the audience activity.
  • Citation index. Shows the quality of  taiwan telegram data   the content, the number of reposts to other channels, and the number of channels that make reposts.
  • Promotion efficiency. Subscription/unsubscription analysis by dates will tell you which posts worked effectively and which ones caused an outflow. Important engagement indicators ER, ERR and ERV are calculated automatically. An extended report is also available, which can be downloaded or shared with advertisers.

4. Organize mutual PR

Owners of small channels often use barter PR: they mention your channel, and you mention theirs. For mutual PR to work, it is important to look for channels with similar topics – their audience will be the warmest.

You can search for channels through the same Tgstat. It has a convenient catalog in which groups are divided into categories. Select a dozen channels and request statistics from them. Discard those with low activity. Agree on cooperation with the rest.

5. Write comments on and Yandex.Q

Look through the questions that users of these platforms write on your topic and comment on them. Answer the question in detail and thoroughly, and at the end provide a link to your channel/post, which will give the user even more information.

Important : answers must be informative and fully disclose the question. Otherwise, the comment will not be allowed. Also, you cannot repeat yourself – copypasta will not work.

 The link is highlighted with a gray  overcoming common challenges in data exchange   background so it is clearly visible to the reader.

5. Use Yandex.Zen

You can also write articles in Zen, which will be available to a large audience for free. The platform recently announced that materials will also be shown in YAN, which is the main page of Search, pages of Yandex.Video, Yandex.Weather, Yandex.Mail and other Yandex projects. In addition to this network, links to articles will be posted on Yandex partner sites and in mobile applications.

This means that if you write interestingly, you can quickly gain subscribers to Yandex Zen , some of whom may also become subscribers to your channel.

You can add a link to your blog or Telegram nickname in the channel description, but it is better to add it to each article.

 Zen allows you to insert links to third-party resources

6. Write articles for websites

A popular method of promoting a Telegram channel, used by many bloggers and experts. It allows you to get hundreds and thousands of new and interested subscribers to the channel for free.

How does this work?

There are popular sites that have a large  ar numbers   audience and high authority in search engines, i.e. high-quality articles can easily get to the top of search engines and receive traffic from there for a long time. The most popular of them, where you can publish your articles for free, are and

If you are an expert in some field, you can write a detailed and well-optimized article and insert a link to your channel in it. If the article is high-quality and interesting, then some % of readers will definitely be interested in the author and go to his TG channel.

Another type of article that can be written to promote your Telegram channel (and your personal brand) is news collections. The format is popular because there is a lot of news and little time, and a brief summary of the latest news in some industry saves readers’ time and helps authors promote their Telegram channel.

Examples of such news collections, so that you can better understand what we are talking about: a selection of financial news for the week , another selection of news about finance and economics , and marketplace news .

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