publish and update your live blog

If you are ready to go live, simply publish your blog post. Scroll down to find your plugin window and select “enable”. Choose the template for your live coverage, and you’re done.

In the live blogging section, you will find a link to your live blog. This is an exclusive link on your WordPress installation, that will be seen only by you and other members of your company with editing credentials on your WordPress.

The link will open in a new window and feature a box where you can write and publish updates.


What are the benefits of live blogging?

Now that you know exactly how you and update  can start live blogging on WordPress let’s take a look at the main benefits your company can achieve with this tactic.

Interact in real-time

Live blogging is a preferred tool to generate as much engagement as you can with your users.

Providing real-time coverage to events is a cyprus phone number data way not only to attract more visitors to your website but also to make sure those visitors get to know more about your brand and offers.

Live blogging an internal event, for instance, will help your customers get to know more about your company’s culture and day-to-day.

That will help you get closer to users and build reach the right inbox sendgrid fixed contact a relationship with them.

Diversify your content

Brands have never had a more diverse environment for publishing content than they do today.

Text, images, videos, and audio are a couple of the tools a company can use to express their view and leave a mark.

With live blogging, you can use all and update  those media formats to push live updates on relevant topics, which, in turn, will help you build an always-on environment china numbers for customers.

Learn about your audience

Live blogging is also an opportunity to get to know your customers and what matters to them.

By following the analytics dashboard on your live blogging platform, you will be able to understand what makes your customers want to interact with your feed, what matters to them, and how well you are addressing their concerns.

This information will come in handy when developing personas for your products and services. It will also provide useful data (KPIs) to better your marketing funnel.

Live blogging is a great way to engage with your customers, keep them updated on trends that matter, and understand what type of content can better help your company reach its goals.

That’s why this is one of the most important tools to build a competitive strategy in 2020.

Now that you know how to properly  and update live blogging in WordPress, check our content with some tips on how to do real-time coverage for elections!

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