Is it necessary to change the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) when changing documents?

Is it necessary No If your full name has changed or you have received a new passport, this will not affect your Taxpayer Identification Number (INN). The number is assigned once and does not change throughout your life. But just in case, you can check whether the Federal Tax Service has changed the data it has, so as not to accidentally “duplicate” your Taxpayer Identification Number (INN), or issue a new certificate with the current data.

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How and where to find out your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

The taxpayer identification number is stored in the Federal Tax Service databases. It cannot be lost or deleted: thanks to the entry in the Federal Tax Service, you can restore the TIN in literally two clicks or in what metrics are included in core web vitals? one visit to the inspectorate.

How to find out your TIN for an individual

An individual can view their TIN in the following ways:

  1. View the paper certificate, if available.
  2. Go to the FTS website and enter your details in a special form : full name, date of birth, passport details (or details of other documents from the proposed list).
  3. Go to the State Services website and select the singapore phone list service ” TIN Check “. This will work if the passport data is uploaded. After that, the TIN will be automatically added to your personal account.
  4. Log in to your personal account as an individual taxpayer . Please note that the data may take several days to be generated the first time you log in.
  5. Go to the tax office – you can find out your number at any FTS office, you only need to provide your passport details.

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