Social TV is more like social mia?

On day 3 of SXSW, the sun starts to shine, we hear about Social TV and the right to be forgotten, psychology is discuss again and we see the nail in the coffin of the crit card companies speak: Seth Priebatsch.

Can a social web of things keep TV cords connect?

Social TV is enjoying growing interest at SXSW. Last year there was a single panel on the  greece phone number list subject, now there are twelve. Everyone can sense that there is something there. And the financial interests are enormous, which also helps.


‘What is Social TV?’, that is the question. It is interesting to see that producers still put the TV program at the center, but “ enrich with TV instead of TV with social mia to top it all off’ . Given the growing popularity of social mia, that seems like a more sustainable way to look at it. The panelists agree that there are three levels of social TV:

Level 1: Discovery

People talk about the show online, (‘I’m watching Game of Thrones now’ ), which makes others discover benefits of implementing data exchange best practices  it and watch it too. This is actually the first level of Social TV, and not much more than a ‘share this’ function. But it is a crucial tool to get people to turn on the TV during or after Facebook.

Level 2: Engagement
People are becoming active with and around the program, Social TV is more like social mia?  looking for  atb directory  more background information about a film on IMDB , using a second screen to talk about the program with each other and so on. The valuation of engagement is still in its infancy. People collectively feel that a shift from ‘impressions’ to ‘expressions’ nes to take place. But what is a like,.

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