Scoble then shows a number of special apps in this area that already exist:
We already live in this new world to some extent, for example with the Nike Fuel and Jawbone Up that measure your movement and sleep patterns. Runkeeper now keeps track of your running pattern and can share it with others via Twitter or Facebook. Via sensors in your shoe kuwait telegram data or phone, data is sent to systems that analyze everything and share it with friends.
An app like Placeme
A which keeps track of all the places you’ve been, could inform the system that wakes me up in the morning. It could tell me the route I take to work on Tuesdays and where I like to stop for coffee. With systems like that, Google’s self-driving car could drive you to work without you having to tell it where you want to go.
In Israel, PrimeSense is already working on creating Kinect-like sensors that can see and . The hottest respond to not only your arm movements but also the detail movements of your fingers.
With apps like StreamBoard on your iPhone
A you can look at Twitter in real time using keywords and see how much a topic is being talk about in the world. In the future, you’ll use apps like this one or DataSift to look at information in real time on the inside of your glasses: “For example, I can watch all the tweets about The Next Web live from people with a Klout score above 60. By talking to the system, you can filter data in real time and see all the school email list information that’s relevant to you, such as: “Show me all the tweets from San Francisco about the earthquake that come from my friends’ friends.” . A using voice tell a compelling technology success story commands to an app that appears on the inside of your glasses.