Scoble sees that a number of start-ups are already busy creating the future that is coming. Around that new technology, everyone has a ‘freaky line’, the point where you really start to find new developments uncomfortable and scary. In his lecture, Scoble looks at the future in 18 years, to 2030.
About 18 years ago, Steve Wozniak showed Scoble a beautiful printer costing €40,000, which today costs less than €100. This means that in 2030, today’s state-of-the-art technology will only cost a fraction of what it does now: “If rich people have a digital toy that you can’t afford, the only solution is to just stay alive. Because that toy is going to get cheaper very quickly.” And that’s what Scoble is going to talk to us about today. Which special technology that is being developed now will we use en masse in 2030? And what freaky future does that have in store for us?
The system helps you start the day well
The day in 2030 will start very differently. Now I still have to set the alarm on my . The rich man’s iPhone. In 2030 you will italy telegram data wake up with a system that analyses your sleep pattern and wakes you up when you feel fit. Such alarm clocks already . The rich man’s exist. But in 2030 your alarm clock will also check your Google Calendar before it goes off to see what time your first appointment is and it will already look at school email list the traffic information to see how long your travel time is. When I wake up, information will appear on my walls with high-quality lasers that tell me what I want to know.
Scoble explains
When I wake up in 2030, the systems around me will already know what’s going on in the world. will wake me up earlier to benefits of implementing data exchange best practices warn me. The system can show me photos of what’s going on. Because that’s already possible now, the future is already here in parts. These types of systems will soon get their information not just from the density of telephone traffic (which is now used to determine traffic jams), but also from what people do and say, such as a photo of an accident shared on Twitter.”