and we arrived at the º place for the terms: types of application software; types of system software; types of programming software. The result was fantastic, because it allowed us to significantly increase the performance of the content we had already created. International SEO techniquesThis is a very peculiar characteristic of our content strategy. Spanish speakers (native or not) know that there are many variations in the use of words within each Hispanic country and even within them.
It turns out that these
It turns out that these linguistic peculiarities panama whatsapp data cannot be ignored when putting together an SEO strategy. Google’s algorithm classifies pages according to the terms that users from each country or region tend to use to do their top techniques to generate quality cold calling leads searches. That’s why there is a set of techniques called international SEO, which we apply daily on this blog with the aim of having our articles appear naturally on Google for different Hispanic countries. Currently, this is the ranking of the countries that most visit our blog in Spanish on a monthly basis, based on February data.
Ranking of the countries that
Ranking of the countries that most visit the blogAlthough Mexico and Colombia stand out as our main audiences, we communicate with all markets and we do not want to be invisible anywhere. In this sense, sometimes a post we publish yeezy 350 boost v2s ends up reaching the top of Google in several countries simultaneously, like this one we did on “Slogan”. Ranking of countries by number of sessions However, we have some priority markets in our business decisions, which is reflected in the words and themes we choose for each content.
That’s why most of the
That’s why most of the articles we produce are oriented based on user behavior in these markets. Trying to reconcile audiences from different places in Latin America and Europe, we continue with our content and position ourselves naturally on Google. I share with you some of the processes we carry out to achieve this distributed presence in the digital environment. Content for specific national markets Producing materials directly related to the semantic context of the user in your country is a great initiative to generate organic traffic in a market of interest to the company.
We do this with Mexico
We do this with Mexico, for example, in content such as the following:Example of post focused on a countryHere we try to link a subject that is an essential part of our corporate universe (Marketing) with the intention of the local user, which was to find information about the value of the most valuable brands in Mexico.Combining these two factors, we achieved a privileged position in the SERP. Optimization for local keywordsAlthough they refer to the same concept, the word “Marketing” and its Spanish translations Mercadotecnia and Mercadeo are used with different degrees of intensity in some Spanish-speaking countries.