Boosting is done directly on

Boosting is done directly on the page’s already published posts and Facebook usually suggests that you boost your best-performing posts. A big advantage of boosting is being able to direct your post to different groups, based on its performance. Sponsored postA sponsored post is the middle ground between a common post and an ad. When you sponsor a post it will be shown as “Sponsored”, and your audience will be limited to people who liked your page.

This type of format does

This type of format does not reach new bosnia and herzegovina whatsapp data users, only the circle that is already part of your brand. Sponsored posts appear higher in the news feed, so your audience is more likely to see them. It can be used to promote a specific product or a cool campaign that the company is running.Dark postHave you ever, as a user, searched for something you saw in an ad and didn’t find it on the page? This is an unpublished post or dark post.

When creating an ad on

When creating an ad on Facebook Ads, you can top techniques to generate quality cold calling leads generate something that has a specific audience targeting, so it does not appear as a normal post within the page’s timeline. Your creation will be displayed directly in the user’s news feed, with the same format as a post, however, specific to the people you want to reach. In short, a dark post is the ad itself that you will learn to create at the end of this content, instead of just boosting a publication already made on the page.

LiftFacebook Conversion Lift (loosely translated

Conversion LiftFacebook Conversion Lift (loosely translated as “High Conversion”) is a tool that allows you to track the additional business cz lists generated by ads created on Facebook for the company, both online and offline. Conversion Lift allows the marketing team to monitor how much additional revenue is being generated and how to include this in the marketing plan. ROAS (Return Over Ad Spend) ROAS, or Return Over Ad Spend, is the ROI of Facebook Ads campaigns. It measures the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, calculating how much revenue was generated for the business per dollar invested in the campaign.

A/B Testing If your company

A/B Testing If your company still doesn’t know which type of ad is most effective, you can use this testing tool. A/B testing, as the name suggests, is a possibility to try an ad in different formats. With it, you can see the cost per result or the cost per conversion increase. ImpressionsThis is the number of times your ad was displayed. On mobile, an impression is counted the first time it is viewed. You may also be interested in this other content! Facebook Debugger: what is it and how to use the tool?Creative CenterAnother tool to use in Facebook Ads ads is the creative center.

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