“Hey June I sent an email to you on XYZ day” (side note . because Vidyard has analytics I’ll know if she viewed it or not and we go . from there) If I’m connecting with a prospect for the first time on LinkedIn I . consider this a colder (brrr) attempt because there’s been no initial touchpoint So I’ll use . personal video to warm things up See an example LinkedIn sequence below Example message from .
Sandra on Linkedin Example of
Sandra on LinkedIn Example of using video in a LinkedIn saudi arabia cell phone number list message to a prospect Lead . with value Sorry to break the news but if you are not leading with a . value prop or giving your prospect value based on their role you’re probably not going . to make a successful connection If you haven’t heard of him before check out Simon . Sinek author of Start with Why Graph showing how to lead with value in sales .
Keep it short and simple
People have short attention spans and again the best way to explore they don’t know . you from Adam so that first message needs to be short and simple If I’m . sending a personal video via email or LinkedIn message I’ll make it about a minute . maybe a minute and a half at most But there’s nothing like a 30-second to . a minute punchy video that can make a prospect go “Ok she knows what she’s .
Talking About Let’s Connect” If
talking about Let’s connect” If I send out ten messages b2b reviews without a personal video I’ll . probably be lucky to get a response at all But if I include a personal . video in that LinkedIn message typically I’ll get one connection That may seem like a . small number but it all depends on what your personal KPIs look like If I . want five people to connect with me then I need to send out 50 videos .
That Day Not All May
that day Not all may be personal videos mind you Those take time to prepare . and do right and sometimes the person doesn’t have much on their profile for me . to go on So in that case I’ll use a marketing video from my library . that is relevant to their role or industry You also have to read the room . when you do your outreach For someone working in a SaaS company my video will .