4 elements of a resilient organization

Organizational resilience has 4 essential elements that make it possible. Learn about them below!

1. Excellent financial management

Financial management seeks to improve the well-being of the company’s owners or

increase the capital invested by shareholders through a complex process of managing the flow of funds, cash and financial resources that are dedicated to organizational activity.

It is also responsible for developing and applying cayman islands phone number list means,

instruments and methods of financial support to meet the goals set in strategic planning to reach an optimal economic and production level.

Financial planning and management are crucial for companies to adapt to problems and thus avoid

paralysis. This is because it helps determine priorities regarding the interests of business units for effective investment.

For example, given the pandemic situation in 2020, good financial management of a

restaurant would recommend investing capital in delivery services , websites

with interactive content or the development of applications to reach a greater number of consumers despite being behind closed doors.

2. Leadership at the highest level

The role of leadership in organizational resilience is indispensable, since it involves distributing wills

towards a common goal, showing a clear path to follow, calming the anxiety of collaborators,

increasing their resistance to the tasks to be developed and improving commitment to the company.

It is necessary to know how to communicate the action plan to follow, explaining to each person the tasks assigned to them, taking into account the responsibility of each worker, considering their strengths and weaknesses; seeking to make them feel secure and ready to give their best.

Likewise, the leader must keep all members involved constantly informed about the actions and decisions taken by the company in a transparent, simple and clear manner.

A good leader must care about the well-being of each of his or her employees with an empathetic and understanding attitude in order to create a feeling of belonging among employees to the company.

Creating a good working environment is imperative for a resilient company. Don’t forget it!

3. Vision and purpose

The resilient vision is based on:

  • Provide an idea of ​​how and what changes the company expects from the world;
  • what kind of organization they would like to be;
  • and how they imagine their clients’ lives will improve.

Purpose is about explaining the reason for the organization’s existence, why it does things. It is the cornerstone on which decision-making depends.

In practical terms and adaptability, what priorities do you give to your decisions according to your business model in a crisis?

The answer to this question is organizational resilience at its finest. If we can make the world understand our vision and purpose, we will generate a huge conversion rate even in difficult times.

According to research conducted by Deloitte: ” 2021 Global Marketing Trends: Find your focus “, brands must present themselves as human entities that reflect the values ​​and principles of their target audience.

This increases the possibilities of receiving recommendations, lower customer acquisition costs, higher LVT (Lifetime Value), among other advantages.

4. Constant training

If we want to be resilient, we must have highly trained staff in charge who can cope with changes without reducing their individual productivity.

No matter the type of work, whether in person or from home, trained employees will be able to meet their goals.

Here are some of the top reasons to invest in training and awareness:

  • High employee satisfaction: which generates better customer service, increasing customer satisfaction and experience.
  • Encourage innovation and the emergence of ideas: this is perhaps the best weapon to face difficult times.
  • Be trained to anticipate changes: and take advantage of them for a competitive advantage.

How to apply organizational resilience?

The first step to making your organization  and after this health crisis warren has long resilient is to accept the notion that things may not go as planned . From the moment you accept the possibility of having to deal with an adverse situation, you begin — even if unconsciously — to prepare for it.

In this process, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the company.

Every company is basically a collection of people working in the same context, preferably pursuing common goals. It is therefore necessary to think about your strategy in a structural plan, in an effort to align all the different agents of the brand in the same culture.

Develop your organizational culture

Organizational culture is the set of norms, values, beliefs and actions that govern the internal environment of a company. It serves as a guide b2b reviews for decision-making by managers and for the behavior of employees, and is essential for building a positive work environment .

Within this culture, it is necessary to find spaces to spread the idea of ​​organizational resilience. It is important that this concept is integrated into all activities, being disseminated by prominent figures.

One way to do this is by starting from the principle of innovation . A company whose culture encourages innovative concepts will develop resilience more quickly, at the same rate as it will find creative solutions to its problems.

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