Having an efficient and compelling Content Marketing strategy is a must-have for companies searching for competitiveness in the future.
This method allows for low-cost, highly engaging media focused on attracting more leads with higher conversion rates. It also helps to build a positive and trustworthy image for your brand.
But executing any plan is all about measuring and adjusting. To reach the success you want for your actual and next campaigns, you need to collect czech republic phone number data and analyze data from Content Marketing KPIs.
So how about knowing more about what are performance indicators and which are the best for your team? In this post, we will talk about:
- What are KPIs?
- What are the main 10 Content Marketing KPIs to track?
- Why is it so important to act while measuring?
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What are KPIs?
So let’s start with the basics. A Key Performance email api making it ideal for marketers Indicator, or KPI, is any measurable number that is analyzed through a set period and a fixed methodology.
That way, the constant measurement gives the company a sense of progress — positive or negative. We can use a simple example to understand it.
Imagine that a store decided to measure the number of visitors they have. What they have to do first is to count each person that comes in through the door. That is the number.
But then, you need to create a methodology. The store decides it will count visitors every day, but they want a weekly sum.
At the end of the year, they know in what weeks the china numbers store is busier and in what periods the movement is weak. They correlate the data with seasonal holidays, special dates, and so on.
Then you have a complete map. The store can prepare to profit more when demand is strong and do some promotions and sales to improve numbers when it is low.
Resuming it, a KPI is a number plus context. Those who know how to do it have more opportunities to interpret and make decisions based on reliable data.
It is the kind of efficiency that businesses of the future have to acquire to be competitive. Not only in sales and operation but in marketing too.
What are the main 10 Content Marketing KPIs to track?
Your team also needs to be as effective as other levels of management within a company, and even more now, since Digital Marketing demands that kind of intelligence.
Furthermore, each part of your work can be measured. In this text, we want to focus mainly on Content Marketing because it is one of the strategies that can be improved by monitoring KPIs.
So let’s take a look at 10 of them!
1. Unique visits
The first KPI in this list is the most simple and direct, used as a base for a lot of insights about a business’ online presence.
It shows the total number of unique views on a page — the real number of visitors. It can be easily measured by a tracking tool such as Google Analytics.
In a Content Marketing context, the most important unique visits are those at the company’s blog and lead generation content, such as ebooks, webinars, and videos.
With time, this number shows how your team’s effort and investment are paying off as a growing audience gets to know your brand and becomes leads.